Bonjour de la Suisse

Hello from Switzerland! ~~ The adventures of a California girl who got married to a great guy, G, and traded in her old life for the chance to live in a foreign land and live the expat life for a couple years. We live in Geneva, Switzerland with our globe-trotting cat, Scout.

Ma photo
Nom :
Lieu : California, United States

"The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land." ~ G.K. Chesterton

dimanche, mars 12, 2006

My Four Things List

Well, it seems that I've been "tagged" for the "Favorite Four Things" list. And since we've been staying local for the past couple of weeks, there isn't a whole lot to report on the travel front.

Last weekend we went to IKEA and had big plans to try our hand at cross-country skiing, but a huge storm moved in which made skiing conditions terrible. So, instead, we went to the 76th International Motor Show, which is one of the biggest car shows in the world, right here in Geneva!

Now, normally I'm not really a car show type of girl, but surprisingly, I found it quite interesting. Every car maker imaginable, from Kia to Ferrari was there. My personal favorites were the Mini convertibles, H2 Hummers, the new Toyota trucks and the wide variety of hybrids and other eco-friendly cars. I even found my next vehicles (a car & a truck) - since Gary said a Bentley is out of the question!

My next car -- the convertible SmartCar, all the rage in Europe!

My next truck, complete with roof tent

Gary's dream machine - The Spyker Spyder

So, without delay, here is my "Favorite Four Things" list, inspired by Mrs. Mingle (who tagged me), Costa Rica Chica, Sactownkid, Manoa Missy and my cousin, Jane.

Four jobs I've had:

This was a tough one to narrow down, since I've had numerous jobs and usually several all at the same time, earning me my nickname of "The Jamaican"

1. Senior Lifeguard, Giammona Pool
2. Hot-Dog-on-a-Stick (3 years baby!)
3. Americair Home Respiratory Field Therapist (Where I was repeatedly misheard as "Debbie The American" instead of "Debbie from Americair" with my elderly patients.)
4. Volunteer Firefighter at West Plainfield Fire Department, Davis California
(True, not a paid position, but I worked damn hard there for 6 years of my life!)

Four movies I can watch over and over:

1. Babe
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Gladiator
4. any of the Indiana Jones movies

Four places I have lived:

1. Urbana, Illinois
2. New Port News, Virginia
3. Davis, California
4. Geneva, Switzerland

Four TV shows I love:

I just want to take this opportunity to give a big shout out to i-Tunes and thank them for enabling us to download the current seasons of my two favorite shows, Lost & Desperate Housewives while we are overseas!

1. Lost
2. Desperate Housewives
3. 24, seasons 1 & 2 (on DVD & eagerly anticipating seasons 3,4,5...)
4. The Weakest Link on BBC (hey, when you only have 6 1/2 English stations, 4 of which are news, 1 sports and the half is MTV which is almost always dubbed in French, the pickings for "Favorite Shows" are slim!)

Four places I've vacationed:

1. Maui, Hawaii
2. The Caribbean (Aruba & St. Thomas)
3. Houseboat on Lake Trinity, California
4. Lots of great places in Europe

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Pizza in Rome (So, so good... especially with a nice bottle of wine!)
2. Alplermagrone (Swiss version of Mac & Cheese, but better)
3. Mahi Mahi burrito from Dos Coyotes in Davis
4. Sushi, which I could eat every day!

Four sites I visit (almost) daily:

1. My friend's blogs, which help make me feel closer to home! (including, The Correct Way to Say Count-try, mingle's reflections, Yay toast!, Anybody Want a Peanut?, and I can take 9...I know I can....)
2. Geneva On Line, where Gary & I are members
3. At least one of several travel and/or airline sites searching for deals.
4. World Radio Geneva (WRG-FM 88.4), where I can listen live until we get a radio.

Four places I would rather be right now:

(Although not much compares with living in the center of Europe, where we can literally be almost anywhere on the continent with hours... you can't really beat that, but here's my list...)

1. On a nice, warm Mediterranean beach (since it's snowing out right now)
2. Hanging out with friends (I miss you guys!!)
3. On Safari in Africa
4. Riding a camel in Morocco (it will happen before we leave!)

Four people I am tagging:

(For those three without a blog yet... get typing people!)

1. Gary
2. Kid
3. Lori
4. Fiona


Blogger SabineM said...

I came upon your web site by chance. I just hit next blog after my blog and there you were. I enjoyed looking at the pictures. you see I am a Swiss miss as well. My friends used to call me that. i was born and raised in Neuchatel (not too far from Geneva, also in the French part) and left Ch for the US in 1982. I just came back from living in Lucerne for 2 1/2 years (work). Now we are back in Southern california, Thousand oaks to be more exact. I MISS Switzerland. I miss Carnaval, Onion Fest in Bern, Alpenmagronen, etc... all the things you talk about! Enjoy your time there. not sure if you are there to stay or just as ex pats!
my blog is not that exciting. But it is munshifamily if you want to check it out.

12:48 AM  
Blogger Kid said...

Makes me giggle everytime you talk about working at Hot Dog on a stick. You know why only young girls are allowed to work there don't ya...yeah I know...creepy.



8:58 PM  
Blogger Manoa Missy said...

Look at you, Swiss Missy, with your Swiss fan club:)

Ah, you made me nostalgic for...
Mmmm, Dos... among other things.

Beautiful pics, too--the places look awesome, but your composition makes them really stand out.

4:17 AM  

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