Bonjour de la Suisse

Hello from Switzerland! ~~ The adventures of a California girl who got married to a great guy, G, and traded in her old life for the chance to live in a foreign land and live the expat life for a couple years. We live in Geneva, Switzerland with our globe-trotting cat, Scout.

Ma photo
Nom :
Lieu : California, United States

"The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land." ~ G.K. Chesterton

lundi, mai 01, 2006

Are you funky?

In my French class we had an entire lesson dedicated to the concept of whether we were or were not "Funky". We even had a song, describing fabulous people like top-models, celebrities and sports stars that are funky. I was confused.

"How would you describe funky?" Asked our instructor, a pretty, young, hip gal herself. I just looked blankly trying to think of what on earth to say... words like smelly, odd, strange, stale all came to mind.

Her definition of Funky: Outgoing, young, trendy, attractive, athletic, fashionable, etc. So the inevitable question was asked. "Are you funky?" I was second to be asked, and the guy in front of me, a middle aged cook that was not all that attractive said confidently, "Oui, je suis funky!"

What's a girl to do? I too, confidently said, "Oui, je suis funky!" Then, to my dismay, every other student in the class (most much younger & hipper than I) said, with a little look of disgust, "NON! Je ne suis pas funky!!" Then, to make things worse, the instructor asked me (the only American in the class) in front of everyone else, "What does funky mean in English? Sometimes the French youth take a word and change the meaning a little." A little?!?

I had no choice but to say it wasn't that flattering of a word. "But you said you were funky", she pointed out. "Yeah, yeah I know", I sheepishly replied. At least the cook and I had a good laugh about it afterwards!!

So, along the lines of the joys of foreign language learning, here is a hilarious ad for the language school Berlitz...


... you will get a good laugh! And, the scary thing is I can totally relate... :)


Blogger Manoa Missy said...

Sounds like a musical version of "I'm too funky for this class" is in order. Shave your head and change your name to Fred. Then you just need a catwalk...

8:55 AM  
Blogger CHO farmer said...

You know a little deodorant would fix that funky right up. Are you going "European" on us already? Your razor getting rusty too? ;)

5:01 PM  
Blogger sactownkid said...

that ad was hilarious1

12:51 AM  
Blogger Mrs Mingle said...

great ad! I'm sinking that you are very funky

1:46 AM  
Blogger Melissa Haworth said...

Hi Swiss Miss,
Loved the ad! I am friends with Sactownkid and occasionally read your blog. I'm hoping you can give me some quick swiss advice. I'm flying into Geneva in June with my family and we arrive late in the day. Is there a decent (and inexpensiveish) airport hotel you'd recommend? we aren't having much luck figuring it out on the internet. Thanks!

6:03 PM  
Blogger Melissa Haworth said...

Hey swiss miss
thanks for the info on my blog. I just left the comment yesterday but appreciate the speedy reply. I'll check out the hotel you suggested and appreciate any other ideas. We're really just looking for one night in geneva, we'll be staying in adelboden for a week and then to chamonix. it's a whole family affair so trust me, you don't want us at your place but thanks for the generous thought :)

6:32 AM  

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