Bonjour de la Suisse

Hello from Switzerland! ~~ The adventures of a California girl who got married to a great guy, G, and traded in her old life for the chance to live in a foreign land and live the expat life for a couple years. We live in Geneva, Switzerland with our globe-trotting cat, Scout.

Ma photo
Nom :
Lieu : California, United States

"The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land." ~ G.K. Chesterton

mercredi, novembre 15, 2006

I tell you, there's no place like home

Another trip back home and I was busy as usual. Last time I was only back for a week and ended up running all around and felt very rushed. So this time I figured I would stay for 2 1/2 weeks and take it easy (it IS a vacation after all!) I now realize that it doesn't matter how much time I allocate for my trip, I inevitably fill all my days somehow. But I'm certainly not complaining. I had the BEST time and wish now I had stayed a few more days!

Here's a quick run-down of my time:

I started off in Florida and got to see my relatives and get a little shopping and sun in too. It was great to see my grandparents, I really miss them, so I try to see them every chance I get. Much to my aunt & uncle's surprise (and mine too), my flight to SFO was so late on Friday that I had to wait until the next morning to leave (many thanks again to them for coming all the way back to the airport to get me!)

Saturday I was airborne and landed just in time to attend my Chinese-side-of-the-family reunion. People came from all over the world to be there and it was great to meet some of the relatives I've never met before. My little brother and his fiancée were up from San Diego, so it was extra nice to get to see them!

Sunday was the baby shower for my sister-in-law, which I was thrilled to be attending (since I've missed most of the baby showers this year). Her girls were there too and I always love hanging out with the nieces. Sunday was lunch with my dad and I got to see our family bible that dates back to the 1800's (it had been tucked away in my grandparent's attic until recently). It was so amazing!

During the week I was running all over seeing folks (including my sac-town friends) and getting some much needed errands done (most importantly was a cut and mani/pedi - they are SO expensive in Geneva!) I thought about throwing together a dinner in the city on Friday, but didn't actually get it going until Thursday! Thanks to Chica & Mingle it was a raging success. Lots of people came and I really can't tell you how happy that made me. We brought along G's Swiss guy (who works for him) Raph, and he had a great time too. I was worried that everyone's English would be too fast for him, but he fit right in and the next day told us what a great "team" of friends we have! :)

The weekend was packed as well. Saturday I took a walk along the beach with the new Hansen parents (Rona in tow) and that night G's mom threw us a big pre-holiday party! Another incredible night surrounded by fun people! Raph was there too, looking a little overwhelmed at times, but having a ball.

The rest of the week I had lunch and dinner plans every day up until I had to leave on Friday. I met little Eden for the first time, I drove up to Davis for some Dos Coyotes and good conversation with Sactownkid, shopped the Nordstrom’s half-yearly sale, and even caught a San Jose Sharks game. Then, on Thursday when we were at dinner at D & C's place, we got the call that B was going into labor. Not two hours later we had a new nice. We rushed to the hospital to meet her.

A few hours later I was on my flight back to Geneva. I was tired but so happy. I realize just how lucky I am to have great friends I can always come home to! :)

Good times in Florida

At the family reunion (just a few of the many people who were there)

Ally's baby shower

Friday night dinner and drinks at a rooftop bar

At the beach

The pre-holiday festivities

Go Sharks!

G and Ally


Blogger Kid said...

...and thanks for the pics from your wedding a year and half ago.



8:53 PM  
Blogger Swiss Miss said...

No problem! ;)

9:15 PM  

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